
  This New Year is another year to be your authentic self and live your life to the fullest. The challenges of life will come but how should we face them? By turning to God’s word is the best approach as only He can make the impossible possible. Whenever you feel as though you cannot achieve your goals and it seems like the more you try is the more obstacles arise, encourage yourself in these powerful words , “ I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13 Many times we tend to focus on our problems rather than communicate to God as He always has the peace we need and the answers. Additionally, sometimes we listen to people’s opinion instead of channeling our focus on God’s strength as only He alone can empower us to experience His power so that we can testify for His name to be glorified. Take time to believe in the confidence which God has placed within us to succeed. Whenever we depend on God then His strength will be the medicine to help us bless ot...
  When you think of the word intelligence what thoughts often come to your mind? A parent might think how smart the child is or isn’t. Educators might think what areas are the students able to excel in the best. The average person might think to be ‘head smart’ and not ‘book smart’ is all that is needed to survive. Psychologist Robert Sternberg defined intelligence as "the mental abilities necessary for adaptation to, as well as shaping and selection of, any environmental context (1997, p. 1). But let us look at the word intelligence again and reflect on when you were going to elementary school and there were many subjects you excelled at until you transitioned into high school and then a number of those subjects became more complicated. Needless to say, some of the new subjects you started learning became very exciting for some while others wished they never heard of foreign languages or physics. All brains are designed to perform at the level of intelligence which it was created...
                                                                   LOVE LANGUAGES How much thought do you give to the love languages you have been thought?  What are love languages? According to author Gary Chapman, there are five love languages. Our "love language" describes how we receive love from others. They are: Words of Affirmation  - Saying supportive things to your partner Acts of Service  - Doing helpful things for your partner Receiving Gifts  - Giving your partner gifts that tell them you were thinking about them Quality Time  - Spending meaningful time with your partner Physical Touch  - Being close to and caressed by your partner Each of us differs in the ways that we receive love. By learning to give love in the ways that our partner can best receive it, and by asking our par...
  Finding Balance in Your Life  Creating balance in life is very crucial if one is to be effective, happy and fulfilled. Many people in our   society are out of touch with their bodies because they fail to balance work life with the other areas of   life: family and friends. In fact, once the body is under undue stress, then the brain will not be able to   function effectively. Therefore, if we fail to take care of ourselves, then we cannot assist others   to be at their best.       There are so many expectations to perform on a daily basis whether it is from church, school, work   or from social circles. People are important so we need to treat them with respect and make time to   show them we value them. Making time to be effective so that others can see our worth and realize our   authenticity to connect with them is crucial. When we interact with others, we need to imagine them as   ...

Reflections During the Lockdown

  The Prime Minister of Jamaica the Most Hon. Andrew Holness recently declared lockdowns in Jamaica for 3 days; Sunday, Monday and Tuesday since August 22,  2021. However, many Jamaicans for some reason don't seem to understand what a lockdown entails. Apparently, there are so many persons who are non-essential workers who feel that they are allowed to roam the streets. The level of indiscipline among Jamaicans will never get us to advance to higher standards on any level. During the Lockdown, making time to socialize with family has become my priority. Since many of us are busy with going to work, engaging in different projects, attending church and making time for leisure activities we have little time to listen to the concerns of our own family. Bonding with your family is key even if it means connecting with them via technology makes a huge difference. There are family members who are ill and are awaiting appointment for surgery, some family members are depressed because t...


 Self-Worth I often ask myself the question how do I value myself. How do I view myself? People should never allow others to treat them as if they do not worth anything. In the past, I would place others above myself but the way I see it, I was unwise to do so. I have realized that no one is more important than me. Putting the Lord Jesus and His work first is my ultimate priority then I must focus on me. Why spend your entire life looking out for others and ensuring that they are taken care of but the same love is not reciprocated? I cannot afford to enjoy the idea of taking care of myself only in thought and put others and their needs first. Sometimes, being too kind is really a setback to the goals one had for oneself.  The Bible says that, “it is more blessed to give than to receive.” Giving allows one to be selfless and the act of giving provides endorphins which enables us to feel great. In retrospect, some individuals do not see anything wrong with considering the needs ...