Maintaining Academic Integrity during the Artificial Intelligence Era - SSTC Students' Perspectives 2023

What are your views on the relevance of maintaining academic integrity during the Artificial Intelligence Era? 


  1. Academic integrity is practicing honesty while studying and completing academic work in a fair and responsible manner. (Monash University, 2023) Artificial intelligence is used in our daily lives to do online research, use ABM machines at the bank or the use of Siri on our mobile phones. Artificial intelligence is described as the theory and development of computer systems capable of doing activities that originally require human intelligence, such as speech recognition, language translation or decision-making. (Oxford Online Dictionary, n.d.) Students must retain academic integrity since it is our ethical responsibility, learners want to have a sense of personal fulfilment and long-term success.

    A student may utilize ChatGPT or other AI technologies to develop ideas, gain a better knowledge of a topic, or generate sample exam questions. These are legitimate methods of utilizing AI when studying. When a student gets most or all of their assignment from a generative AI, it does not demonstrate originality, and they may be in violation of academic rules. (2023, University of Kansas) Artificial intelligence was developed to help pupils improve their grammar, writing, and information retrieval (research) skills.

    When a student relies on generative artificial intelligence technologies to complete tasks, their knowledge is not accurately reflected. A student who is performing below average may be excited to use AI to complete course work in order to receive a passing grade, but when the exam comes around, the student will not have retained any information from research topics covered in the course and will be at a high risk of failing the exam. Learners should strive to feel a sense of accomplishment from knowing that their grades reflect their full potential. According to Ralph (n.d) “Originality is undetected plagiarism.”

    Academic integrity is important since it reflects a learner's work ethics for future employment. "Academic dishonesty in school leads to academic dishonesty in the workplace." (Lee, 2022) Researchers assume that if a student plagiarizes, they will plagiarize in the workplace. The primary goal of attending school is to learn, and when a student relies on AI to finish homework, no learning occurs. If students are found guilty of plagiarism by copying and pasting work from an AI source or another researcher, professors will not believe their work. When students' answers aren't their own, the lecturers are not able to gain a true understanding of their development and make informed adjustments to the curriculum.

    Lee, 2022. Why academic integrity is important to teaching and learning. Retrieved from
    Monash University. 2023. STUDENT ACADEMIC SUCCESS. Retrieved from,work%20and%20contributions%20of%20others
    Ralph (n.d). Quotes About Plagiarism. Retrieved from
    The University of Kansas. 2023. Maintaining academic integrity in the AI era. Retrieved from

    1. The fact that this post has in-text citations clearly indicates that you are ensuring that plagiarism is not evident. It is really necessary to transfer the knowledge taught about maintaining academic integrity at the tertiary level. Artificial intelligence tools are useful but must be used to enhance your work. The responses were very insightful and the sources aided in the authenticity of the perspectives shared.

  2. According to Evelyn Learning " Educators, students, and technologists must collaborate and ensure that AI tools are learning enhancers, not diminishers. The core principles of honesty, originality, and integrity in academia can coexist harmoniously with AI, provided there's a collective commitment to preserving them". We all have to get ourselves acquainted with technology as it improves, or we will be left behind. However, students should use AI to generate new ideas and creative works. When students depend heavily on AI to generate assignments, they become passive learners even slaves to technology. They lack the ability to think critically and independently. As a result of this most students go into exams with A's and fail the exams because they did not analyze the course content for themselves.

    1. Users of information need to consider the core values of academic integrity: honesty, fairness, trust, respect, responsibility, and courage (International Center for Academic Integrity, 2014). I agree with you that academic integrity principles should coexist with artificial intelligence. However, the user of the information must ensure that originality and respect for intellectual property be done.


  3. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a technology that allows a computer program to learn, reason and act on its own. It is a machine impersonator of the human intellect that makes them do things that humans normally do. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become an important asset in this era as it is well equipped and has the ability to drastically alter how we work and live. There are many advantages of living in the AI era. AI are faster decision makers compared to humans, they are always available, accurate and efficient. However, it is very important to maintain academic integrity during the AI era as they are unable to understand emotions and implement morals, values and ethics which are needed for success. Maintaining academic integrity in this era promotes creative thinking, fundamental values and knowledge in both student and educators. Therefore, AI tools must enhance learning and not be misused.

    1. The points of view shared are respected. However, kindly note that not all information provided from artificial intelligence tools are accurate. Therefore, the consumer of the information needs to consider what is the purpose for using this information. If the information from artificial intelligence tools is for academic purposes, then the user of the information needs to examine the contents for credibility. Subsequently, an information literate student must know how to evaluate information so that their higher order thinking skills can be displayed. When evaluating the source check for authority, relevance, currency of information, type of audience, coverage of the material and accuracy of the contents. Standards must be followed as well.

  4. It is crucial for learners to uphold the values involved in academic integrity, in spite of the Artificial Intelligence (AI) period evolving rapidly. When learners wholly depend on AI, it limits their opportunities to develop as researchers and critical and independent thinkers. AI tools should be used to enhance the teaching and learning process, not to produce individuals who are not able to demonstrate their understanding of particular information as well as their ability to analyze and apply knowledge. To maintain good academic practice, the work presented should be a reflection of honesty, trust, fairness, respect, responsibility and courage. The heavy dependence on AI will cause these values to be nullified.

    1. The comment you shared resonates with others and sensitization needs to be done on a large scale to ensure that users of information within academia are complying with policies and government bodies. Accountability is key from all angles and every effort must be made to place high value on such.

  5. According to McKinsey (2023), artificial intelligence refers to a machine's capacity to carry out cognitive functions associated with human minds. The introduction of AI has brought about significant changes in human existence. Although it was developed to make life easier, some people use it as an excuse to be lazy and think less. At a time when AI can drive cars, create smart content, and perform numerous other tasks, it is crucial to uphold academic integrity. This promotes personal growth and development, ensures fair evaluation, and safeguards intellectual property.
    According to Helen Keller, one cannot develop character through ease and tranquility. Only through experiencing trials and suffering can the soul is strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved. In the 21st century, artificial intelligence has made things easier for students, but it has also led to a situation where students do not think for themselves. They rely heavily on AI, which leads to a decrease in the amount of information they retain in their brains. Platforms like, Copyscape, and Cite This For Me make it easy for students to complete their work without putting in much effort. However, academic dishonesty harms them in the long run. They deprive themselves of the critical thinking skills necessary to master a subject. Therefore, it is important to maintain academic integrity, as it gives meaning and relevance to education.
    Every educational institution aims to provide individuals with the opportunity to acquire knowledge and skills that will help them reach their full potential and become valuable members of society. Students are assessed based on their work to identify areas for improvement. However, engaging in academic dishonesty prevents them from receiving a fair evaluation and blinds them to their true abilities. To enhance learning, Artificial Intelligence can be used to teach topics that were not understood in class or demonstrate how to solve Math problems. It is not ethical to obtain good grades for assignments that AI completed for a student. Maintaining academic integrity is crucial in reflecting a person's genuine academic capabilities.
    Finally, Academic integrity safeguards intellectual property. Integrity according to Brene Brown is choosing what is right over what is fun, fast or easy. It is operating with principle. A person with academic integrity does not plagiarize but gives credit to their information source. He/She is responsible for the intellectual property of others. If Artificial intelligence is used as a source of information, then it needs to be cited. Academic integrity ensures that society can be trusted with the ideas and discoveries of others.
    In conclusion, although Artificial Intelligence has the potential to enhance human effectiveness, it can also be used unethically. Therefore, academic integrity is crucial for ensuring fair evaluation and protecting intellectual property.

    1. With the upgrades which technology has experienced over the years, there is no doubt that this current generation is at a major advantage to access information. In fact, studying tools are now more readily available for everyone. However, the ethics of utilizing information from sources is crucial to everyone. We have seen where the book industry has experienced challenges to have their works recognized in generative artificial intelligence. Educators and students need to monitor the use of AI tools while benefitting from the various features which help to make life easier.

  6. Maintaining Academic Integrity During the Artificial Intelligence Era…

    A very wise man, Michael Josephson once said; “Sometimes the dues we pay to maintain integrity are pretty high, but the ultimate cost of moral compromise is much higher”.
    Academic as defined by the Collins Dictionary relates to work done in schools, colleges and universities that involves studying and reasoning rather than practical or technical defines integrity as the quality of a person to uncompromisingly adhere to a particular set of ethical or moral principles. The art of maintaining academic integrity in the Artificial Intelligence era is of utmost importance as it seeks to value one’s own work. Maintaining academic integrity allows persons to engage with the work given and also with the contributions of others.
    In the artificial intelligence era it is very easy to access technologies where you give commands and the work is prepared immediately. This takes away from learning and actual research. Replacing actual research results in a lack of creativity and the overreliance on technology as also laziness in us humans. Artificial intelligence does not allow for analytical thinking and the usage of problem solving skills.
    It is most fulfilling to do your own research on a specific topic to have the best understanding of it. If something is not understood during the research process a student could always seek advice from the teacher to clear up ambiguities. This builds a teacher student relationships. When academic integrity is not maintained there will be penalties according to the institution’s policy. This may also affect your relationship with fellow students, your family and your future career. So it can be therefore concluded that the maintenance of academic integrity is a big deal.

    1. Definitely, maintaining academic integrity is a
      'big deal' since the impact can be far reaching. The matter of of whether or not artificial intelligence is good or bad when going research is relative. However, the aspect of compliance can either ruin an institution's reputation which can affect to education system locally, regionally and internationally.

  7. Coursera defines an AI as the creation of computer systems capable of performing tasks that historically humans could do. Some examples of these tasks are decision-making and problem-solving. In an era where everything is being digitized, we find ourselves making a lot of adjustments in the teaching world. An example of one such change would have been during the COVID-19 pandemic where the teacher had to facilitate classes online. The Tertiary Education Quality and Standard Agency defines academic integrity as the expectation teachers, students, researchers and all members of the community act with honesty, trust, fairness, respect, and responsibility. If academic integrity is breached, it is referred to as academic dishonesty or academic misconduct. It is very important that a teacher maintains academic integrity and teaches his/her students to do the same. As role models, educators should work with their students to ensure that AI is being used to improve their work and not to worsen it. A teacher works with his/her students to unlock their full potential and if a student depends only on an AI it will hinder their ability to be critical thinkers and to understand their research.

    1. The point about educators being good role models as to how information is utilized in academia is very important. In fact, students ought to taught from as early as the primary level to respect works from authoritative sources. Librarians, Researchers and Educators and other individuals need to model the behaviours we require from the learners. Promoting, educating and evaluating the use of information from different sources (print and non-print) must be on going to enable learners to see the relevance and comply with policy guidelines personally and professionally. Acknowledging the content creator's work is key but synthesizing the information is even equally important for brain development.

  8. Maintaining academic integrity during the AI era is very important. It is so much easier now to plagiarize or simply to re-word an assignment. Maintaining academic integrity is important, not only to preserve the learner/student's conscience, but also to ensure a level playing field. It would not be fair for some students to simply copy & paste an assignment, re-word it and get full marks and for another student to do their assignment from scratch and not get full marks.

    Encouraging academic integrity is essential to building honest citizens who will in turn, build an honest and productive society. It is up to teachers, professors and other educational facilitators as well as parents and the community at large, to foster integrity in general which will then translate to the academic scene.

    1. These points of view are very relevant for this AI era. Moreover, the matter of maintaining ethics does not only apply to academic development but for personal development. How have you been utilizing the information from your institution to be ethical in conducting research?

  9. The artificial intelligent era offers many opportunities for enriching learning experiences. When answers are a click away, students may lose the impetus to think creatively. If every problem has a ready-made artificial intelligent solution, the intellectual exercise of brainstorming and critical analysis becomes endangered, Students will know longer want to think for themselves. Academic integrity allows students and staff the freedom to build new ideas, knowledge and creative works while respecting and acknowledging the work of others.
    Emphasizing the value of original thoughts and the perils of undue reliance on artificial intelligent can help instills a sense of academic integrity. Workshops or modules focused on the ethical implications of artificial intelligent in academia can be integrated into curriculums.

    1. The comments made are very relevant for students to benefit from the use of artificial intelligence. However, consumers of information ought to know how to retrieve information from artificial intelligence tools. Additionally, policies are implemented for users of any institution to abide by in order to not breach academic misconduct. The knowledge gained from presenters at workshops are not only useful but should be applied for research purposes.

  10. Maintaining academic integrity during the Artificial Intelligence era is very important for everyone. Artificial Intelligence impact the society significantly. Integrity in academics enhances the trust and credibility of AI research. Maintaining academic integrity ensures that the research findings are accurate, valid and reliable. This is essential for building confidence among persons. Maintaining academic integrity also ensures the proper attribution of credit to original work and protecting intellectual property rights. This helps with fairness and respect for intellectual contributions. Maintaining academic integrity can help researchers avoid plagiarism. According to Enago Academy (2023), "Plagiarism is the unethical practice of using words or ideas of another author/researcher or your own previous works without proper acknowledgment."

  11. Maintaining academic integrity in the AI era is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, ethical conduct in research and academic pursuits ensures the credibility and reliability of the knowledge generated. In the field of AI, where advancements are rapid and have far-reaching consequences, upholding academic integrity helps prevent the dissemination of inaccurate or biased information. This aligns with the principles of responsible AI development and deployment, emphasizing transparency and accountability.

    Additionally, the AI community relies on collaboration and the exchange of ideas to fuel innovation. Academic integrity fosters an environment of trust and respect among researchers, encouraging open communication and cooperation. Violations of academic integrity, such as plagiarism or falsification of results, undermine the foundation of trust essential for collaborative efforts in the AI domain.

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