Overcoming Pain

Alvin Day in his book entitled, ‘If caterpillars can fly – so can I’ mentioned that, “Pain and suffering will strike you at some point, and strike again. You are expected to cry a little. Do not hide from the tears, or you will be sowing the seed of future psychological problems. When the situation demands it, crying can be a cleansing and purging experience that helps alleviate and bring closure to the pain” (p. 85). Whatever the degree of pain from toothache, labour pain, death, headache or heartache, such pain will gradually fade away but your response to the memory will depend on your outlook on what or who triggered that pain.

Remember when you felt like quitting a project, when you failed a test or job interview, when you didn’t have the funds to do something that mattered a lot to you? Now that you have passed that obstacle and you can smile back at the pain, you are able to say I did it!! 1 Corinthians 3: 6 [says] “I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase.” Nothing that we do in life lasts forever. Seasons were made for a reason and we all have to endure pain and suffering sometimes and experience joy and happiness at other times.

“Resolve today that you will never get to a point of depression and helplessness. You will rise and start again every time you fall, but with renewed energy that is even stronger, just because of the trouble” (Day, p. 85). Be it resolved, “Yet in all these things, we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us” (Romans 8:37). As humans, bad situations can make us lose sleep, engage in poor eating habits, ‘lash’ out at people who do not deserve to feel your pain or even thinking about thoughts of ending one’s life. Life is a gift my friend, and never let the devil steal your joy or try to persuade you to be his ‘buddy’. You will never enjoy your life if you choose to give up on being happy and enjoying what God has given to you as a gift.

My love for people who hurt me grew because those persons were in pain and they needed my help. I helped them because I knew that deep down inside they were struggling to be free. I knew that there is purpose on their lives and I truly didn’t want them to miss that opportunity because I didn’t help them when I could. Remember that forgiveness is the best medicine you can give yourself.

When bad things happen to me I sometimes complain, share my thoughts with the wrong people without first going to the Lord in prayer. I choose to respond to the hiccups in my relationships with others by trusting God to heal my heart while He is working on their hearts as well. Walking away from confrontation can give us more peace of mind than we can ever imagine.

Whether you choose to find healing for your pain sooner than later, it is important to remember to love yourself and make the effort to overcome your pain and suffering so that you can be the teacher, counselor, therapist or friend for the one who will need you the most. Finding comfort from the beauty of nature, reading an interesting book, educating yourself to be the best version of you can be the best place to start. If caterpillars can transition to flying, so can you! 


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