I often ask myself the question how do I value myself. How do I view myself? People should never allow others to treat them as if they do not worth anything. In the past, I would place others above myself but the way I see it, I was unwise to do so. I have realized that no one is more important than me. Putting the Lord Jesus and His work first is my ultimate priority then I must focus on me. Why spend your entire life looking out for others and ensuring that they are taken care of but the same love is not reciprocated? I cannot afford to enjoy the idea of taking care of myself only in thought and put others and their needs first. Sometimes, being too kind is really a setback to the goals one had for oneself.
The Bible says that, “it is more blessed to give than to receive.” Giving allows one to be selfless and the act of giving provides endorphins which enables us to feel great. In retrospect, some individuals do not see anything wrong with considering the needs of others. Life cannot really be all about riding on the backs of others until you have accomplished all you need then you desert the same person who was there to assist you in becoming better. There are parents who will go to the moon and back for their children but sometimes the children are so ungrateful that they couldn’t care less about the welfare of their parents. In spite of this, the Bible charges us to pray for our enemies and do good to them that hate you. The realization of taking charge of one’s destiny should not be a far-fetched thought. How disappointing it would be to lie in your casket listening to all the good you did for others and having regrets that you never invested time to develop yourself? Take care of yourself now. Spend the money you have worked hard for to buy yourself something valuable or treat yourself every now and again so you know that you love yourself. Don’t wait for someone to make you experience the dream that you envision for yourself as that day may never come. Always believe in yourself and no matter what negative thoughts are said about you do not allow those words to influence where you go and what you do in life. Empower yourself with positive words even when you feel like giving up.
One of the worst things someone can do is to compete with others. While some competition is healthy, there are times when it can be destructive because trying to achieve something for yourself because you are jealous of other’s accomplishments is never healthy. Being jealous of others is not a commendation from anyone and this is certainly not one of those behaviours God approves of. Having self-worth will always enable an individual to soar high to their apex even when there are no cheerleaders. Self-worth comes from the intimate relationship one has with the Almighty. Having a strong self-worth is not dependent upon what you wear or how you look but it is about how you see yourself through God’s eyes. Material things can help us to be comfortable and our status in life will help us to be self-important but there is nothing like humility as Matt.23.12 says, "And whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased; and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted."
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