Reflections During the Lockdown


The Prime Minister of Jamaica the Most Hon. Andrew Holness recently declared lockdowns in Jamaica for 3 days; Sunday, Monday and Tuesday since August 22,  2021. However, many Jamaicans for some reason don't seem to understand what a lockdown entails. Apparently, there are so many persons who are non-essential workers who feel that they are allowed to roam the streets. The level of indiscipline among Jamaicans will never get us to advance to higher standards on any level.

During the Lockdown, making time to socialize with family has become my priority. Since many of us are busy with going to work, engaging in different projects, attending church and making time for leisure activities we have little time to listen to the concerns of our own family. Bonding with your family is key even if it means connecting with them via technology makes a huge difference. There are family members who are ill and are awaiting appointment for surgery, some family members are depressed because they have Covid while others are mourning the loss of loved ones due to the pandemic. Take time to love on your family and let them know that you care about them. Praying for your family is also another way to reassure them of God's power as you make the time to intercede on their behalf. 

During the lockdown, people can appreciate nature more by enjoying the sunshine, fresh air, the beauty of the ocean, and the flora and fauna. Summer is the time to celebrate the warm days which can be very relaxing. Enjoying some roasted breadfruit with steam fish, callaloo and pear are some we can appreciate during the season. 

The lockdown has provided time for many to complete projects they were not able to attempt during their busy schedule. Some persons make time for cleaning their motor vehicles, rearranging the house, attending to the garden among other duties. 

The lockdown has allowed many persons to get adequate rest which will enable them to perform better on the job. Time for self-care is also vital and must be treated with high importance because no one can perform at their best if they don't invest time to rejuvenate. 

While the lockdown has been a positive idea for some, others might be at a disadvantage for various reasons. If you find that you're stressed due to lack of income flow then now is the time to strategize to find ways to make more money whenever the economy improves. Making wise choices to cope with the challenges of the pandemic will allow you to grow in more areas than you can imagine. Using your time wisely to learn from others even on the Internet is the ideal way to be productive. 

Take care of yourself, treat others with love and respect. As we respect our authories we can begin to enjoy the level of freedom which individuals from other countries are now experiencing. 


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