Finding Balance in Your Life 

Creating balance in life is very crucial if one is to be effective, happy and fulfilled. Many people in our


society are out of touch with their bodies because they fail to balance work life with the other areas of


life: family and friends. In fact, once the body is under undue stress, then the brain will not be able to


function effectively. Therefore, if we fail to take care of ourselves, then we cannot assist others


to be at their best.




There are so many expectations to perform on a daily basis whether it is from church, school, work


or from social circles. People are important so we need to treat them with respect and make time to


show them we value them. Making time to be effective so that others can see our worth and realize our


authenticity to connect with them is crucial. When we interact with others, we need to imagine them as 


our clients who are expecting excellent customer service. Developing meaningful conversations with


strangers might be an opportunity for life-long relationships to be formed. When we


make time for people for example, listening to an employee share something about work or personal,


this might be motivating which could be beneficial on many levels.  




Making time for your family is the key to a healthy social life with your loved ones. Our best support


system can be our family so we need to treat them with utmost respect by putting work aside to have


leisure time with them. It is unwise to put your family aside and invest too much of your time to


your job or hobby. Even in this period of the Corona Virus, there have been lockdowns stipulated by


the government which could be used for families to strengthen their bond with each other. Parents


need to develop the patience to listen to their children and make time to engage them in conversations


which will make them feel secure. When you were a child, was there a family member who abused you


because of parental neglect? Was there a parent who invested little time in ensuring you were exposed


to a plethora of experiences which would have made you more aware of making better choices in life?


Taking time to show love to our family members will make a huge difference in developing the self-


esteem and self-worth of each family member. 


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